SearchSponsored links | Sort by: PageRank | Hits | AlphabeticalStandard links Have Cisco Routers, Switches, IP Phones or other used and excess Cisco equipment you are interested in selling? buys a wide variety of Cisco gear, top dollar paid. Visit us today! [Read More]
PR: 2
CP World Communications is a Internet Telephony Service Provider offering hosted PBX services for residential and business customers who wish to have Unlimited international Calling plans, Business Calling Plans. Our vision is to emerge as a major PBX service provider by integrating telephony system with the contemporary online world. [Read More]
PR: 2
Fibrelec supply data cabling that is designed to take the strain out of fibre installation for both ourselves and our customers. Once cables are terminated Fibrelec perform rigorous tests to ensure the cable meets industry standards. [Read More]
PR: 0
WiFi signals are available almost everywhere but most of them are useless to us as they are Secured connections that required a password to access. And most WiFi Adapters in the market and in Laptops have a range of only 20 to 30 meters, limiting the number of WiFi connections available to you. [Read More]
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